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January 2015

1st A relaxing day and watching The Mockingjay in Gold Class.
2nd The air con getting a good work out today trying to beat the heat.
3rd Relaxing, reading with even more reading and relaxing.
4th Took Lex to the beach and she ran around for about an hour. Started to leave and she didn't want to get into the car so we stayed there for a bit longer and relaxed.
5th A very hectic first day back at work.
6th Kicking back relaxing.
7th Time to clear out the music folder.
8th This will take some getting used to.
9th Drilling holes in the gutter to stop the leak in the house.
10th Mum over for lunch.
11th Relaxing and trying to rest my back.
12th Going back to read some of the first books I bought.
13th The last lot of burger and chips for a while.
14th Dinner with the family.
15th Last day for large meals for a while.
16th A very sore back this afternoon.
17th A day resting.
18th Another day resting and not doing much.
19th I really should be at home instead of work trying to get rid of my sore back.
20th Getting more books. this time its the Expanse series by James Corey.
21st A nice day for a ride to work.
22nd A hot day to ride home in.
23rd Setting things up to sync with Microsoft.
24th A very simple error that I should see a mile away. Damn you number lock!
25th Catching up with family for dinner.
26th Relaxing but should be mowing the grass.
27th A crazy morning at work.
28th Is eating this little going to last?
29th Playing around with a new controler for the UniFis.
30th Learning the new Mac SOE.
31st Congrats to Maria and Peter on their wedding day.
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