Home - Wines - Months

January 2011

1st A day at the Nobbies.
2nd Lunch at Faithai walking around Church Hill Island.
3rd At the airport to see off Katheryn and John.
4th Back at the island.
5th More reading.
6th Cleaning up.
7th Back at home.
8th Maria's birthday party.
9th Oscar's christening.
10th A day at home doing nothing much.
11th A day in hospital with Erryn.
12th Relaxing.
13th More relaxing.
14th Salting some weeds.
15th Looking at suits.
16th Moving the server to make more room for the cat.
17th Back at work.
18th Time for some fun.
19th Planning some plastic.
20th Wrapping a desk in plastic.
21st Rebooting things more often.
22nd Reading and more reading.
23rd Firing up the bbq again.
24th Damn you mr email!
25th Clearing out water from the shower.
26th Australia Day.
27th Day off work and relaxing.
28th Another day off to relax.
29th Looking at suits.
30th Baking bread.
31st Back at work trying to avoid the heat.
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