Home - Wines - Months

November 2010

1st Slow day at work.
2nd Relaxing at home.
3rd Coding a new layout and menu.
4th More coding and looking ok.
5th Fun and smiles at work.
6th Relaxing doing nothing.
7th Lots of lasagne.
8th New layout is online.
9th New network config with Lexx and Kai moved to another room.
10th Where is the remote?
11th CSS Tooltips.
12th No ITIL.
13th Sleeping till 1pm...where did the day go?
14th Researching bbq plates.
15th A day of training.
16th Hopefully sorting out HR.
17th Translating pages.
18th HR are idiots.
19th Training new staff.
20th Pulling weeds.
21st New grill on BBQ.
22nd ITIL V3.
23rd Another day of ITIL V3.
24th Finally got the smart meter installed.
25th Testing the new meter.
26th Looking at headstones.
27th Where is the plumber?
28th Lightswitch fixed.
29th Left a message with Jims Plumbing. How long will they take to call back?
30th A tweeting we will go.
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