Home - Wines - Months

March 2010

1st New battery means a running bike again.
2nd Google adwords on the site.
3rd LotusShpere at the Hilton.
4th Itching for more rain.
5th Trying to wake sleeping beauty.
6th Trying to revive a dead battery.
7th Cleaning up the driveway after huge thunderstorm and minor flooding.
8th Getting a ride to work in the car.
9th Is the battery really dead?
10th Another sleepless itchy night.
11th Where is the new remote?
12th Slowly going down.
13th Dinner with the family.
14th More packing.
15th When will the itching stop?
16th Bits of metal lying around.
17th It's dark in here.
18th New blinds are finally here.
19th Free maps and gps.
20th Photos of Erryns Place.
21st Strolling around myuna farm.
22nd Running out of dollars.
23rd Spending more on blinds and solar panels.
24th Slowly losing more.
25th Work is going Google.
26th Looks like longer days at work.
27th More packing.
28th Damn car won't start.
29th Feeling like crap, sneezing and a sore throat.
30th All better now.
31st Addhost training.
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